In life, we are always looking for continuous improvement, aren’t we? We analyze the new market demands and study them in depth to achieve the best results in our career. In the life of a company, it cannot be different! The search for perfection is necessary. But how to achieve this? How about starting by researching what the competition’s best practices are? Are you curious to know how to use benchmarking? Just check out our post to understand! Benchmarking: don’t leave this practice aside What is benchmarking? The word benchmarking comes from the English word “benchmark”, which means reference.

Its concept consists of making a deep analysis

This practice, which started in the 70’s and was widely spread in the 80’s, has been used by companies of all sizes, in order to analyze their performance in comparison Petroleum Manufacturers Email List to products, processes, logistics and many other points in relation to the competitors. To carry out this monitoring, it is necessary to establish the points that need to be researched and later, an evaluation of the results found, since it is only possible to benefit from the practice when there is appropriate planning and studies. To start with, there are four types of benchmarking: Internal benchmarking: is the search for best practices used within the organization itself. It is a great alternative for companies that have many branches.

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Competitive benchmarking: aims to analyze

It is not as simple to put into practice as the internal one, as companies do not usually divulge their secrets easily. Functional benchmarking: The focus of this analysis is interesting GMX Email List processes and techniques. It is not necessary to use competitors for this analysis, as the idea is to appropriate good ideas that can be applied to your business, regardless of whether or not they are used by competitors. For example, packaging, inventory controls and other points. Cooperation benchmarking: occurs when two companies form a partnership. This practice is very common when each of them has different points of excellence to share.

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