You must be wondering, how so? New between VX and Portugal? And the answer is: Yesss! VX has just become a member of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rio de Janeiro . But what does it mean? It means that now you can refer us to partner with that friend who lives in Lusitanian lands! CPCI-RJ is a non-profit association aimed at bringing closer commercial, technological, social and cultural relations between Portugal and Brazil. In addition to the objective of supporting the creation and development of opportunities between Portugal and Rio de Janeiro, the association offers a gateway to Europe and the European Union, given Portugal’s privileged location.

Are you in doubt about how VX can help you

We are a full service agency , that is, we are ready for any stop! Check out some of our services now: Offline Services Despite the popularization of the internet and advances in the use Tobacco Products Manufacturers Email List of mobile devices, outbound is still alive and well. You know that logo you designed for your company? We make it for you! How about standardizing all your company’s stationery with the same visual identity ? Count on our team! There are several ways for a company to be present in the consumer’s daily life: through promotional actions and gifting , to below the line advertisements .

Industry Email List

Creativity, innovation and strategic planning

are the soul of the business! Online Services The internet has revolutionized the relationship between companies and their customers. With users increasingly demanding GMX Email List in their searches, technology tried not to be left behind. Today, we have access to tools that provide assertiveness, automation and metrics for analyzing our digital marketing strategies. All this evolution has led us to a new way of delivering content: Inbound Marketing ! In an increasingly competitive atmosphere, those who attract the right users stand out to educate them until the moment of purchase decision and we at VX have a team that can help you with that! For starters, the website will be your main gateway.

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