The consumer in the global economy

In the company-consumer relationship, the latter assumes the role of protagonist, not precisely for “always being right” – times are different and we know that this is not always the case – but for guiding marketing. Financial and of operation in organizations. Likewise. The role is based on the defense of their rights and the possibility of demanding that the products or services required to remedy a certain need do not affect their health or the environment.

The history of that date

In fact, international roots. In 1962, the then president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, instituted executive data the main consumer rights before the North American Congress. This date became symbolic and began to be used mainly by retailers in the country. After more than 20 years. In 1985, the United Nations consolidated World Consumer Rights Day. In honor of the former president’s speech. Since then, the date has gained strength and is not even limited to the day.

World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated every March

Represents a unique opportunity GMX Email List for your company to get closer to the audience and maximize results. However. To achieve this. It is necessary to understand the trends that precede . The date such as the most sought after items and the most valued benefits. That is. It is essential to pay attention to the appropriate marketing strategy for the success of the occasion. Who stops working in the professional sector where he has spent his entire work history does not decide to reinvent himself, it is life that forces him to do so. Most people do not change when others recommend change, they only do so when life forces them to.

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