Voice search is an increasingly popular tool for smartphone users who want to use search engines without the need to use the keyboard. After all, nothing is simpler and more convenient. Than using just your voice to do a search instead of typing it. Given this facility. Which is here to stay and will become the future of searches. It is important to understand how it affects your business in the digital environment and how to adapt to changes. In this post, we explain everything about voice search and the current scenario, indicating some adaptations that you need to start making in your business today.

Let’s go? How does voice search work

Feature that makes people’s lives and accessibility much easier, you can already understand why it was created. With fewer barriers to carry Freight Forwarders Brokers Email List out online searches, it is much easier to use search engines like Google and find anything on the internet. It is very likely that you have.  It at least once in your life with assistants such as Alexa. Cortana, Google Assistant or Siri, for example. Quite simply, this functionality depends on the voice to hear and understand what the user is looking for in search engines. Google made the voice search option available in 2013, in the Hummingbird update , noting the need for an increasingly mobile -focused market .

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Understanding the current scenario Did you know that

In Brazil alone, 58% of the population accesses the internet exclusively through cell phones ? That’s what a survey by the Brazilian Internet Steering GMX Email List Committee says. Indicating that the focus on mobile is becoming an increasingly stark reality. This heavy use of cell phones has led to incredible increases in voice search usage. According to comScore. By the year 2020, 50% of all searches by voice and the number will only tend to grow. Over the years and increasingly easier access to mobile devices. This means that brands that want to remain relevant to their audience and want to maintain their presence on digital will have to adapt to this new trend.

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