The relationship between and telemedicine

Has recently taken on new contours with the regulation of the area in Brazil. Since May 2022, the provision of distance medical services has gained rules that have updated the Brazilian context, adapting the country to various technological advances. And the Federal Council of Medicine played a key role in promoting good practices and democratizing access to quality medical care. In this text, I will talk more about the evolution, norms and benefits of telemedicine . Also check out tips to start taking advantage of these advantages today in your health unit.

Releases telemedicine in Brazil Some

Telemedicine services were already authorized since the 2000s in the country, but it was in May 2022 that the topic expanded, offering new opportunities. The update is the result of the maturation of the debate on points such as surgeries and remote consultations, which have become even more relevant in the context of the coronavirus Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List pandemic. In the case of teleconsultations , Brazilian health establishments and professionals were able to attest to their efficiency in maintaining care during times of social isolation. To give you an idea, half of Brazilian doctors already use telemedicine in their routine care, according to the survey “Perception of doctors about the current moment of the Covid-19 pandemic – Telemedicine segment”.

Phone Number List

I discuss five pillars of telemedicine in Brazil

Services are offered through secure systems Procedures via telemedicine are intermediate by Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) . Mainly the internet. Therefore, one of the basic requirements for preserving Gmxemail List medical secrecy is that  made available . Within software that complies with safety and quality standards. Telemedicine platforms must fully comply with the Security Assurance. Level 2 (NGS2) established in the Certification Manual for Electronic Health Record Systems. Telemonitoring must be supporte by face-to-face consultation Remote patient monitoring allows continuous monitoring of the elderly  chronically ill  bedridden people. People with disabilities or reduced mobility.

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