Is one of the benefits of telemedicine , but it is far from the only one. For decades, end-to-end platforms have been connecting healthcare professionals and patients , bringing services to different locations. In addition to qualifying assistance in hospitals, offices and clinics, which now have distance expert guidance. An example is the online report service , which reinforces the work of the medical teams and frees up the specialists’ agenda in loco. In this text, I will show you the benefits of having telemedicine in your health care unit and how to take advantage of these advantages today. Benefits of telemedicine: the top 13 The benefits of telemedicine gained even greater evidence from .
With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic
Health authorities have recommended social distancing to avoid contagion by covid-19. That same year, Brazil approved teleconsultations during the health crisis caused by the disease, through Federal Law . Before, they were not authorized between doctor and patient. However, the opportunities resulting from the use of telemedicine led to Spain Phone Numbers List the inclusion of teleconsultation among the available services, through Resolution CFM. As a result, several benefits have been maintained for patients, physicians, managers and other healthcare professionals. I discuss below about 13 of these benefits, follow along! . Democratizes access to health The telemedicine platform allows the provision of services in municipalities of all sizes, whether in capitals or inland.
It is enough for the office, clinic
Or hospital to invest in a basic structure of equipment and internet to expand its portfolio . This allows more people to have access to services that support the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. 2. Meets the demand for physicians outside urban centers Studies such as the 2020 Medical Demography reveal great inequality in Gmxemail List the distribution of physicians across the country. The national average proportion corresponds to 2.4 physicians per thousand inhabitants , however, there are considerable variations between Brazilian regions and cities. To give you an idea, while the set of capitals has an average of 5.65 doctors per thousand inhabitants, municipalities in the interior register only .