The aim was to enable health care during

The coronavirus pandemic. This is not the only change validated by the new legislation , as I explain in the next topics. Continue reading to check out the main features and standards that currently regulate telemedicine . Plus a bonus to take advantage of online care services at your healthcare facility. Telemedicine: updated regulations in Brazil The entry into force of Resolution CFM is a new milestone in the regulation of telemedicine in Brazil. It represents adaptation to the new technologies available to qualify health care, as well as evolution in the provision of care provided to the patient. As I said at the beginning of the text, one of the most evident changes is the consolidation of teleconsultation as a service authorized by the Federal Council of Medicine .

In addition to other entities such as the

Brazilian Medical Association ( AMB ), National Federation of Doctors ( Fenam ), Brazilian Medical Federation (FMB ) and Regional Medical Councils (CRMs). This update can be observed right away in Art. 1 of the norm. The excerpt defines South Korea Phone Numbers List telemedicine as: “The practice of medicine mediated by Digital, Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs), for the purposes of assistance, education, research, disease and injury prevention, management and health promotion”. The legislation comes after a long debate about the need to perform the first care in person and the feasibility of direct online assistance to the patient.

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Even authorized remote consultation, through

Resolution However, the text ended up revoked after criticism from medical organizations that requested greater participation in the debate. What laws and regulations regulate telemedicine in the country? The new resolution on telemedicine replaced Resolution CFM . Which already recognized diagnostic and consulting services Gmxemail List mediated by information and communication technologies (ICT). Other rules governing the use of telemedicine in Brazil are: Law. On digitization and the use of computerized systems which expanded the. Se of telemedicine on an emergency basis during the crisis caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) CFM Resolution.

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