The advancement of technology in health

Has made it possible to offer medical consultations via videoconference . More than a simple exchange of information between doctor and patient, this modality allows real assistance from a distance. This is because the teleconsultation is supported by a telemedicine platform . And she, in turn, guarantees the record of care in the digital medical record . In addition, it facilitates ordering tests and prescribing medications. All this with the advantage of the patient being treated at home, without having to travel to the office or clinic. The benefits are many, including for professionals. Do you want to know more about how the medical consultation by videoconference works and understand how you benefit from the support of technology in your day-to-day life ? Just follow this text until the end.

From now on, I bring you all the

Information and tips about this important health care tool. What is the medical consultation by videoconference? Medical consultation via videoconference is a format for patient care carried out using technologies that enable live interaction Wuhan Mobile Phone Number List via video. As a telemedicine service , this service must comply with the requirements of authorities such as the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Ministry of Health. Therefore, a simple video or zoom call cannot be considered medical consultations via videoconferencing. Remote consultation in telemedicine Telemedicine brings doctors and patients closer together, expanding access to health in Brazil According to Article 2 of Resolution CFM .

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Which regulates telemedicine

The services provided through Telemedicine must have the appropriate technological infrastructure , relevant and comply with the technical standards of the CFM relevant to the custody handling transmission of data, confidentiality.  Privacy and guarantee of professional secrecy .” These rules are contemplated with the support of Gmxemail List systems approved by the CFM itself: the telemedicine platforms . Therefore, remote medical consultations must take place within these systems. It is what allows a quality assessment by the doctor. The professional has state-of-the-art technologies to interview and observe the patient’s clinical status. Since it is not possible to perform a physical examination from a distance.

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