Content Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Growth

Why I love it: Doing SEO without Ahrefs is… a struggle. It helps with keyword research, link building, technical SEO—everything you need to do to rank your content higher on Google and get more traffic. And no, I’m not just singing its praises because I work for the company. I used Ahrefs for years before taking on my role here. In fact, I only joined the company because I loved the tool so much, and it was an offer I couldn’t turn down.What it does: Helps you measure and improve your content’s performance in organic search.

Why Content Marketing

There’s no easier way to find content in need of a refresh. Just go to the Performance report, compare the last six months to. The previous six, click “Pages,” then sort company data the table by “Clicks difference” from low to high. It’ll show you which content lost the most traffic during that period so you can consider them for a content refresh.Why I love it: It frees you from boring and repetitive work. For example, I recently used it to automate responses to guest post pitches. After pulling them all into a Google Sheet, I used Zapier to automatically send approval or rejection emails based on what I selected from a dropdown in Google Sheets.

This meant I could

Manage our entire guest posting program (currently paused) from a single spreadsheet. No need to dip in and out of Gmail. Why I love it: It’s just way simpler and GMX Email List less convoluted than most other project management tools. Content Marketing For example, there isn’t even an option to add custom fields to kanban boards. This felt like a big negative when I first started using it, but I’ve since realized that the lack of features like this actually helps to streamline things. It encourages you to create simpler, less complicated workflows.

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