The current Telemedicine Law is the result

Of experiences and extensive debate between medical societies and health authorities. Enacted in the new post-pandemic normal by covid-19, the legislation consolidated the evolution in the provision of remote medical services, recognizing a total of seven modalities. It also brought answers to controversial topics , such as the first consultation between doctor and patient via the internet. Hence the interest in the standard, which reaches managers , physicians, other health professionals and potential users. With that in mind, I prepared this complete article on the subject, in which I comment on the rules, requirements and advances made possible by the new Telemedicine Law.

Good reading! What is the Telemedicine

Telemedicine Law ( CFM Resolution is the instrument that governs the provision of medical solutions remotely . Currently in force, the text approved in April 2022 updated concepts and rules that must be complied with to provide these services Bolivia Mobile Number List with quality. Previously, telemedicine was regulated by Resolution CFM temporarily expanded by Law . I comment on each of these documents below. CFM Resolution No. A pioneer in the regulation of telemedicine in Brazil, Resolution CFM defined this discipline as: “The practice of Medicine through the use of interactive methodologies of audiovisual and data communication, , with direct consultation with the patient (teleconsultation) being prohibited, except in emergencies.

Phone Number List

The norm already required that telemedicine

Companies had a CRM registration in their state, as well as a technical manager with an active CRM in the same jurisdiction. Lei Nº Published in April Law expanded the scope of authorized telemedicine services in the country. The legal Gmxemail List instrument was part of the measures to deal with the pandemic by the coronavirus. In force on an emergency basis. Its objective was to provide access to consultations. Monitoring and other services, avoiding exposing professionals and patients to the risk of contagion through contact with the virus. The text also establishes that “the provision of telemedicine services will follow. The usual normative and ethical standards of face-to-face care. Including in relation to the financial consideration for the service provided”.

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