So a good strategy is choosing which

Base your decisions on data and not on guesswork. With MRACE® Dashboard you can do better e.g. In these things You identify and utilize the roles of marketing channels in your customers purchase path. Each marketing channel has its own role in the customers purchase path. With MRACE® Dashboard you know which channels bring the best results at any stage of the purchase path. This way you know how to invest in the channels that are most relevant to your own customers. You will be able to compare different digital

Marketing channels and

Spend your budget on the most productive channels taking into account the role of the channel as a whole and the goals set for it in the purchase path. No many separate pdf reports but all data in one place in an easy-to-understand format. MRACE® Dashboard makes it business email list easier to compare the results of different marketing channels when you can find the data of all channels in the same place in a uniform format. By comparing channel-specific results you will know exactly where you should focus your marketing budget in the future and you will be able to justify your views and decisions to management easily and

Case example Dashboard

To facilitate the reporting of figures and the interpretation of results Reporting and presenting the results to the management of our online store client that sells consumer GMX Email List products became much easier with the introduction of the MRACE® Dashboard. Before key figures budgets and campaign results had to be painstakingly compiled from numerous reports but now they can be found effortlessly in one place. It is also easy to compare the channels with each other and refining the details of marketing measures is possible

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