Have you ever stopped to think about telemedicine

In other countries ? This is the kind of knowledge that, in addition to quenching curiosity, adds relevant information to expand distance medical services in your clinic or hospital. Not to mention the benchmark to improve the quality of services , achieving greater efficiency. It was with this in mind that I decided to write this article, with data on telemedicine experiences in five nations and Europe. Follow along until the end and also check out solutions available in Brazil to qualify online medical assistance . How is telemedicine in other countries? A specialty that connects patients.

Doctors and other geographically

Distant health professionals , telemedicine emerged linked to the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This gave an international character to the area since the beginning of its use in a structured way, in the . It Indian Phone Number List was at that time that technology connected the Massachusetts General Hospital to the airport in the city of Boston, in the United States, allowing remote guidance given to the airport staff for emergency relief. This experience inspired several local initiatives , allowing the expansion of telemedicine services in different countries.

Phone Number List

Telemedicine in Europe By bringing together

Developed countries, telemedicine is widespread on the European continent, especially among western nations. To give an idea of ​​the breadth of initiatives, a study (in English) recently released by the World Health Organization found that telemedicine Gmxemail List is present in its 53 member countries located in Europe. According to the survey: “The results show a clear benefit of telemedicine technologies in the screening, diagnosis, management, treatment and long-term follow-up of a range of chronic diseases.” However, there are challenges to expanding online services due to differences in culture, legislation (content in English) and resources available in each European nation.

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