Telegram is a dump – how I moved from an offline business to Telegram with an investment of 550 thousand rubles

The digital era has arrived and is growing, those who did not understand this – have lost. I read this in one article on marketing and decided to allocate Telegram is a dump part of the finances from the offline business to the development of my telegram blast channel.


  • Where does money come from in Telegram?
  • The topic I chose for my project and the calculation of its payback.
  • Let’s sum up my experiment.
  • Why, in my opinion, Telegram is a garbage dump where people lose money.

Where does money come from in Telegram channels?

The most important source of money traffic, in my opinion, is placing ads in your project, both from channels with a similar target audience, and external advertising: coaches, opinion leaders, large companies such as Yandex and Aviasales (external advertising is bought much more expensively).

I would also like to note such a type of channel monetization as selling your services and courses. This method is more difficult to implement, but is ideal for various experts.

Topic to start with Telegram is a dump 

My producer and I spent a long time choosing a topic for the start and came to the conclusion that the psychology of the MTA (mixed target audience) is the best option due to its abundance of external advertising, and external advertising gives a very good jump to the channel’s payback. After that, my producer made a payback table, according to which we calculated how much we need to invest at the beginning and how much to give back later for reinvestment. We came to the conclusion that I will invest 100% of the reinvestment for 2 months for faster growth of the project in order to achieve a higher payback.

telegram blast

Table with the channel payback, by the 12th month we should have reached 1.5 million of net income.
  • How to speed up the project payback period.
  • How to attract external advertisers to the channel.
  • How to find additional ways of monetization.

After which they got to work.

  • We wrote good advertising creatives.
  • We hired content managers to write interesting, informative posts.
  • We hired a buyer to attract high-quality, inexpensive subscribers to my project.
What happened after 2 months of my experiment? Having bulk data invested 550 thousand rubles, I reached the breakeven point Telegram is a dump of this project in 2 months. At the moment, it has brought in 500 thousand rubles, which I also sent to reinvest. In total, more than one million rubles were invested in the project, and the market value of such a channel reached one million three hundred thousand rubles. Am I satisfied with the experiment? Of course, yes. Now I am trying to throw all my efforts into Telegram, I see in it greater potential for development, and most importantly – for developing a business with a high and fast payback.
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