Explorer And the top-ranking page gets zero

protein powder.” People aren’t looking for a

protein shake recipe; they want to buy some powder. This is why most of the top 10 results are ecommerce category pages, not blog posts. Google SERP for “buy protein powder” Looking at Google’s top results like this can tell you a lot about the intent behind a query, which helps you understand what kind of content to create if you want to rank a particular page. Let’s look at a less obvious keyword like “best eye cream,” which gets an estimated 31K monthly searches in the U.S. Search volume for “best eye

cream,” via Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer For an eye

cream retailer, it may seem perfectly logical to try to rank a product page for this keyword. However, the search results tell a different story: Google SERP for “best eye cream” Almost all of the search results are blog posts listing top recommendations, not product pages. To stand any chance of ranking for this keyword, you should follow suit. Catering to search intent goes way beyond creating a certain type of

content You also need to consider the content format

and angle. Learn more about these in our guide to optimizing for search intent. 2. Create click-worthy title tags and meta descriptions Your title tags and meta descriptions act as your virtual shop front on Google’s search results. They usually look like this: Components of a typical Google search result Users will be less likely to click on your search result if they’re unenticing. SIDENOTE. Google doesn’t always show the defined title and description in the search results. Sometimes, it rewrites the title and chooses a

more appropriate description from the page for

the snippet. How can you improve Cell Phone Number List Nepal  your click-through rate (CTR)? First, keep your title tag under 60 characters and your descriptions under 150 characters. This helps to avoid truncation. Second, align your title and description with the search intent. For instance, almost all of the “best headphones” results specify the year in their titles and descriptions. Google SERP for “best headphones” This is because people want lists of up-to-date recommendations, as new headphones are constantly released. Third, use power words to entice the click—without being “clickbaity.” Power words in a Google SERP

result Read more about how to craft the perfect title tag, or watch this video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqEoZsIOrYw 3. Improve your site’s user experience User experience (UX) focuses on your site’s usability and how visitors interact and experience it. UX is important for SEO because if your website is not pleasant to use, visitors will leave your website. If users do this consistently from your homepage, it’ll develop a high bounce rate. To improve your UX and stop users from leaving your website quickly, try testing the following: Visual appeal – Can your website’s visual appeal be improved? Easy to navigate – Is the website’s structure well designed and easy to navigate? Intrusive pop-ups – Are there any intrusive pop-ups that may harm the user experience? Too many ads – Are the ads distracting from the main content? Mobile friendly – Is your website easy to use

on a mobile device? The key to improving your UX is to focus on your visitors

’ expectations. Ask yourself what they  Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Mystery Behind the 68 Area Code expect from your website. 4. Target topics with search traffic potential Trying to rank for keywords nobody’s searching for is a fool’s errand. You won’t get traffic even if you rank number one. For example, say you sell software tutorials. It won’t make sense to target “how do I make font larger in coffee cup html editor” because it has no search volume: Easy Keyword Difficulty example, via Ahrefs’ Keywords  organic traffic: Top-ranking page getting zero traffic example, via Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer To find topics people are searching for, you need a keyword research tool like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. Enter a broad topic as your “seed” keyword and go to the Matching terms report. For example, if you have a coffee affiliate site,

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